By admin, on March 31st, 2010%
Poor Canadians in Brooklyn, they bypassed the beautiful spring weather and got here just in time for a winter backtrack and monsoon weather. Ah well, like I mentioned they are not very high maintenance so apparently Paul walked around with one of the broken umbrellas pictured below all day yesterday. They are only here . . . → Read More: Umbrella Funeral
By admin, on March 29th, 2010%
I have some Canadians staying with me in Brooklyn. They are the opposite of high-maintenance, very laid back and nice to have in the living room. After long days of studying and mini-meltdowns I get to come home and hear about their days and talk about mine. I don’t ever want them to . . . → Read More: Opening Day: Coney Island
By admin, on March 27th, 2010%
This is the perfect song to that cold Saturday morning to combat that headache, cottonmouth and general stupor. Especially after the night I had where my mind was blown by making a new friend, and finally seeing an old one. And by the morning’s burst of surprise productivity. Playing hard must always be . . . → Read More: Hangover Daze
By admin, on March 27th, 2010%
. . . → Read More: Throwback
By admin, on March 25th, 2010%
Lately, my friends and I have been compiling a list of how to tell you are getting older. Feeling ancient in our mid-to-late twenties we’ve observed the passing of the calendar mostly with comments about how we can’t party like we used to, and (my personal favorite) hangover arthiritis. But I’ve been noticing a . . . → Read More: How you know you’re getting older…
By admin, on March 24th, 2010%
This group atUniversity of Texas giving out porn in exchange for Bibles, seems to be the typical: recovering Catholic sort. Rebelling hardcore against a faith they didn’t choose. I get the rationalization there is a lot of violence in the Old Texts, but is it smut?
I have had the luxury to choose my own . . . → Read More: Choose Your Own Religion
By admin, on March 22nd, 2010%
So the Story Pirates event was yesterday, and the founder was gracious enough to speak with me about his organization and allow for me to cover the event. The comedians were funny as is to be expected, Jon Stewart and Todd Barry worked the crowd. While Kristen Schaal and Jack McBrayer played in skits . . . → Read More: Story Pirates Part 2
By admin, on March 20th, 2010%
Live near the Atlantic Ave subway tunnels in Brooklyn but never been inside? What about the musical ringing rocks in Montana and Philadelphia? Haven’t you wanted to delve into the curious and strange places to visit all around the world? Well thanks to Atlas Obscura (winner of SXSW best new website awayrd!) there . . . → Read More: International Obscura Day
By admin, on March 19th, 2010%
Ahhhh it’s so nice out! This is ridiculous and much-needed, and if you know me at all you know that I can talk about the weather, pretty much forever. It ebbs and flows like my moods, like the times. And I love when it matches my inner landscape perfectly.I’ll curl up in the . . . → Read More: Sunny Afternoon
By admin, on March 17th, 2010%
Our wily pals at Skinny Bitch Jesus Meeting caught a wee Leprechaun! The fact that it’s late on St. Paddy’s and you’re probs already hammered (I hope) should make this even better. I am so ready for some . . . → Read More: Leprechaun Shit
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