By Nell Alk, on December 6th, 2011%
Last week in Part I we kicked off this series with a much-deserved nod to some of the foremost books and films shaping compassionate people today. Whether on behalf of animal welfare, environmental protection or human health, the selection embodies the great potential for positive change we each possess. Go movers and shakers! And kale!
This week . . . → Read More: P&C’S DO GOODER GIFT GUIDE: PART II
By Nell Alk, on December 1st, 2011%
Welcome to the first installment in a series of gift guides catered to good taste and good doers. Seriously, though, this gift-giving directory is for anyone and everyone, including you! Over the years I’ve become increasingly attuned to the fact that each and every one of us should be doing all we can in support of . . . → Read More: P&C’S DO GOODER GIFT GUIDE: PART I
By Nell Alk, on May 19th, 2011%
“It all begins and ends on our plates.” Indeed, the solution’s so simple it’s criminal. A promotional – and emotional – video clip communicated this significant message at Farm Sanctuary’s 25th Anniversary Gala Saturday night. The black tie affair, which took place at Cipriani Wall Street, celebrated this extraordinary animal protection nonprofit, a “…pioneer of social . . . → Read More: Cause for Celebration: Farm Sanctuary Turns 25
By admin, on October 3rd, 2009%
As an “inner city” high school teacher I was thrilled last year when I found a novel all my 9th graders wanted to read, “Push.” I found the author was a teacher like me, who published a biographical book after teaching GED to adults (what I am doing now). I started shaking with excitement when . . . → Read More: Precious
By admin, on September 24th, 2009%
He taught her to roll a joint, then shoot up, then repeatedly raped her from 17 until she was pregnant with his child. All of this was said on Oprah. What irked me was the lady O, instead of reaching for her hand or a tissue, grabs for the book, and seems to lack any empathy . . . → Read More: Mackenzie Phillips Has the Worst Dad Ever
By admin, on March 20th, 2009%
Cher is offended Chia refuses to construct a head in her likeness. “Obama got one!” carped the aging legend. When we contacted Chia, the spokesperson said, “She called us herself, screaming, ‘You don’t got me babe,’ over and over again. She even airmailed us an ice sculpture of Sonny Bono.” It doesn’t look like Cher . . . → Read More: Divas Diet Hard