By Nell Alk, on December 6th, 2011%
Last week in Part I we kicked off this series with a much-deserved nod to some of the foremost books and films shaping compassionate people today. Whether on behalf of animal welfare, environmental protection or human health, the selection embodies the great potential for positive change we each possess. Go movers and shakers! And kale!
This week . . . → Read More: P&C’S DO GOODER GIFT GUIDE: PART II
By admin, on September 29th, 2011%
The Colbert ReportGet More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
So much more recent debate on global warming, especially as politicians are heating up (hehe) for the 2012 elections in outdoing each other in being ridiculous and over-the-top. Gore’s 24 hour presentation on climate change might have been better served . . . → Read More: The Earth The Earth The Earth is on Fire!
By admin, on December 17th, 2010%
I know you’re probably sick of holiday parties already, especially the ones where your co-workers sing to the office plants, and that one janitor follows you around with mistletoe in his pants pocket. You know what I’m talking about.
But… what about a holiday party where there is sketch comedy involved, an improv show at the PIT . . . → Read More: Weekend Suggestions, drinking, learning, shopping
By Wythe Marschall, on December 2nd, 2010%
I just read in a New York Times editorial that some scientists now think they can detect gravitational waves from the universe before this universe—from whatever existed before the Big Bang. From the Times:
In a recent paper, he [Roger Penrose] and his co-author, the physicist V. G. Gurzadyan, describe a pattern of concentric circles detected against . . . → Read More: Before the Big Bang / After God
By Kastoory, on August 24th, 2010%
I just watched Milk yesterday for the first time. And yes, that was a damn good movie, but damn disturbing too. I didn’t realize how ridiculously hard it had been for gay people to get those first civil rights, how incredible that fight was.
This is because, I am an immigrant, daughter of immigrant parents from Bangladesh, . . . → Read More: Ground Zero Mosque Debate,
By Wythe Marschall, on August 16th, 2010%
Simon Critchley is a very smart writer on the topic of faith. But he opens his recent New York Times blog post about the “Rigors of Love” with what I now think are two fairly stupid questions. (And, yes, Dear Reader, such questions exist—there is, in fact, great value in asking them.) Asks Critchley:
Can the experience . . . → Read More: Faith and stupid questions
By Wythe Marschall, on July 28th, 2010%
I place part of the title under erasure, in parenthesis, side thesis, side idea, because it’s idiotic to either view all technology as dangerous or to turn a blind eye (such a wonderfully odd phrase) to the dangerous potential within technology.
Old hat: Einstein described a cathedral of light and time, a new era of union with . . . → Read More: The (Perceived) Dangers of Technology
By admin, on April 14th, 2010%
I’m watching as more and more publishers fall into the iPad trap, (they think it will revive their old business model). Mediactive even caught the New York Times losing some of their credibility for lavishing praise on this new it-toy. (Naughty naughty, that’s one of the few value propositions you have left, NYT, your . . . → Read More: Hitler Pissed About iPad
By admin, on March 3rd, 2010%
Yes, I watch How I Met Your Mother. I got hooked about two years ago when I had nothing to watch and a sudden expanse of free time. The characters are solid, Neil Patrick Harris is funny and they choose great music for scenes, (my favorite: Mother of Pearl by Roxy Music playing when . . . → Read More: Rabbit or Duck? Apparently, Rabbit
By admin, on May 29th, 2009%
As long as I can remember, I’ve watched Saturday Night Live. Not ‘cause it’s consistently funny or even worthwhile. I’m just a loyal consumer.
Then sometimes a TV show can take a fatal, ridiculous turn, and it becomes forever dead to me. I’m looking at you, Grey’s Anatomy, or “Postal Service Hospital: the O.C./ER,” I call . . . → Read More: Showroom Dummies