A Merry Drunk History Christmas

Yesss! Drunk History finally came up with a new installment, what past President/Scientist/Lunatic am I going to learn about while laughing hysterically?

Well, this time, perhaps none, unless Santa counts as a historical figure. Derek Waters is back with an all-star Drunk History featuring Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes and Jim Carrey (who makes an amazing, . . . → Read More: A Merry Drunk History Christmas


P&C Do Gooder Gift Guide Part 1

Welcome to the first installment in a series of gift guides catered to good taste and good doers. Seriously, though, this gift-giving directory is for anyone and everyone, including you! Over the years I’ve become increasingly attuned to the fact that each and every one of us should be doing all we can in support of . . . → Read More: P&C’S DO GOODER GIFT GUIDE: PART I

A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas – trailer!

Did I already mention my overzealous love for Christmas? A time of good cheer and good vibes, where everyone just loves each other. I might have this overly perfect point of view about it because me and my family have never celebrated the holiday. But I have been fortunate enough to have some . . . → Read More: A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas – trailer!

All I want for Christmas

There are a few things that top my wishlist this year.  Among them the hope that this country’s government isn’t as completely ridiculous and hopeless as it seems, unable to agree on anything, except to sell their support to the highest bidder; or the ability to fly to warmer climes like geese.

But those are some impossible . . . → Read More: All I want for Christmas

Snowed in

The snow makes the holiday seem more real, and pressing. If I could choose one day to be Christmas, it would probably be yesterday. Snow outside and cozy inside with chili and punch. The party ends but hot toddies continue and we eat magic brownies and have a rooftop snowball fight while listening . . . → Read More: Snowed in

Wish List

All I want for Christmas (or whatever non-denominational, exploitative, gift-giving holiday people celebrate) are these things:

These are ridiculously beautiful, and the design makes it sound better… brilliant. Little Horn Speakers are a must have for the disgustingly rich (don’t even ask how much they cost, and if you look it up and have a heart . . . → Read More: Wish List