By admin, on November 6th, 2008%
After my sweaty second behind the black voting booth curtain, I hopped on the L train to escape Manhattan. I headed for the emptier streets off Lorimer Street. I was on my way to the Union Docs ( community house, a non-profit documentary artscollaborative and the home of a friend. I hoped this . . . → Read More: Obamanator
By admin, on November 5th, 2008%
Due to technical difficulties of feeling cut off from the world because of no election news coverage, the Pomp election watch was shortly canceled and we made our way down to another LES hang out, preferably one with drink specials and television screens; all the while staying close to the Williamsburg bridge so that the trip . . . → Read More: What’s your Obama-won-face?
By admin, on November 3rd, 2008%
With election day looming, I’m beginning to wonder if I should cop a gun for the crib. Not to be a crunchy hippie and all, but at a time like this, we seriously need something, ANYTHING, to break this tension and crack a smile.
I grabbed this video from (cuz its sweet) and it seems safe . . . → Read More: You Have To Peep This