The Good Fight: “The Last Mountain”

The Last Mountain Movie Poster

Fact: “Burning coal is the number one source of greenhouse gases worldwide.” It’s nothing new, that’s for sure. Deep pocketed big business exploiting the planet, funneling funds to politicians and casually silencing local – and legitimate – opposition. We’ve seen entitlement and greed rear their ugly heads in history on countless occasions, with a high concentration . . . → Read More: The Good Fight: “The Last Mountain”

Welcome Back to the Big Top: Boerum Hill’s Best Boutique The Brooklyn Circus Re-Opens

Delicious-looking men's shirts.

“Oh the places you’ll go.” Or at least so says Dr. Seuss. Two years ago today, October 21st, 2008, an interview I conducted with a dapper character by the name of Quincy Ouigi Theodore went live on Toronto-based blog Since that time, both he and I have encountered changes, personal and professional, . . . → Read More: Welcome Back to the Big Top: Boerum Hill’s Best Boutique The Brooklyn Circus Re-Opens

A Dynamite Affair with Delicious L’Artusi

Photos by L'Artusi co-owner Jamie Tiampo

This past weekend proved especially rewarding, for a number of reasons. First and foremost, my bestie since the 4th grade, from way back in good ol’ Green Bay, Wisconsin, flew in from her current residence of St. Paul to spend some time with yours truly. Her mini-vaca away from Minn, . . . → Read More: A Dynamite Affair with Delicious L’Artusi