May Day – This Is Why I March

Congratulations to all the May Day supporters, for marching, for taking the time to fight for the rest of us.

Below are some clips from the NYC May Day march and a song by my favorite Song A Day Mann – . . . → Read More: May Day – This Is Why I March

The Art of Growing Up

There are those who want it all. I do not mean the ambitious and driven. I mean the ones who cry for freedom and then deride advice regarding taking individual responsibility. We see the political manifestations of freedom without responsibility in the speech of the populists and the policy initiatives of the right wing establishment. We . . . → Read More: The Art of Growing Up

Death and Taxes

If only I could live according to Ayn Rand’s ethics—I would spend more time intellectually stroking my ego and actually believing I came to where I am now, all on my own. If I was an objectivist I’d go on thinking I lived in a world without systematic poverty, elderly, children, and those born lame and . . . → Read More: Death and Taxes

I am…

Growing up, I never would have believed that I would be a suit and tie. I walked around my high school out of my mind with A Perfect Circle going through my ears (via headphones). I did not know what I would be when I grew up, but I never thought I would become “The Man” . . . → Read More: I am…

Monsanto Kills – But They Pay To Do It


Today my Facebook feed has been blowing up with the petition to disentangle the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) from Monsanto.  If you haven’t watched Food, Inc.  you might be asking yourself what Monsanto is, and how it’s a bedfellow of the FDA to begin with. 

Monsanto: company started in 19o1 by an ex-pharmaceutical man who named . . . → Read More: Monsanto Kills – But They Pay To Do It

LinkCity Early 2012

In case you were wondering what this SOPA PIPA nonsense is about, read through this Gizmodo article, and if you’re on the side of it being a total buzzkill, and enemy of internet liberty, check out the Google petition.

And the Oscar Nominees for 2012 have been announced. The full list is here, with Hugo . . . → Read More: LinkCity Early 2012

Happy MLK Day! Quote it out!

Jealous of all the great MLK quotes blowing up your Facebook/Twitter feeds? No need to be! We have a nice compilation of MLK quotes right here for you to post and be all thoughtful about.

But in all reality, a lot of these quotes are so incredibly applicable outside of that specific context in which . . . → Read More: Happy MLK Day! Quote it out!

Top 11 of 2011

Just a couple of days ago, I was at a lavish, extravagant engagement party which rivaled most weddings I had been to. Besides making jokes about being surrounded by the 1%, I realized at one point that the world is filled with people like this. People who care only about superficial things, and all . . . → Read More: Top 11 of 2011


P&C Do Gooder Gift Guide Part 1

Welcome to the first installment in a series of gift guides catered to good taste and good doers. Seriously, though, this gift-giving directory is for anyone and everyone, including you! Over the years I’ve become increasingly attuned to the fact that each and every one of us should be doing all we can in support of . . . → Read More: P&C’S DO GOODER GIFT GUIDE: PART I

Occupy Wall Street – Rest in Pieces?

Amidst reports of a lot of helicopter activity over NYC last night, the NYPD went in and rousted out the Occupiers last night. But why, seems to be the major question occupiers are asking. Why last night? Why this movement in NYC? And why are tarps and tents no longer allowed, while . . . → Read More: Occupy Wall Street – Rest in Pieces?