Forget Casey Anthony, What To Do This Weekend

Okay, okay, I know everyone is talking about this whole Casey Anthony thing. From Kim Kardashian tweeting her outrage (and other people tweeting back about how this reminds them of the OJ Simpson trial), to major news outlets, everyone is freaking out about this trial and subsequent verdict. The old ladies at my job just can’t stop talking about it.

But, I’m done with the dramz, let’s just move on to a weekend of lazy fun in the sun partying. Seriously, let’s do it.

Tonight! Pop Shop 007 is in town and they want to party with us! Featuring a killer lineup with , , and free Absolut Vodka from 8-9 pm and a free Heineken Keg later on. $10 if you pay beforehand and $13 at the door. Check out details .

Tomorrow, you can relax, or spend time with your friends (who you’ve been neglecting, naughty!), because it’s going to start up again on Saturday. With two great events.

First, Kickstarter - the premiere spot for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries looking for some financial backing - is having their 2nd Annual Film Festival in association with Rooftop Films. All movies screened have been funded through Kickstarter (aka, it works!). Starts at 7pm on Saturday and tickets are $10. Get all the info here.

From Brooklyn to Chelsea might seem like quite a hike, but Saturday, starting at 8 pm, Silver Shed Studio will be hosting another rooftop party. This one featuring , and Pomp contributor and artist extraordinaire Ana Lola Roman.

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